Webinars & Ebooks

On-demand ebooks and webinars featuring experts and Q&A.

How to forecast energy pricing using energy generation data

07 June 2022 |   Carlos Sevilla  |   5 minutes

In this use case, we provide a toy example of the construction of a simple data analysis solution aimed at energy pricing predictionusing Shapelets.

Ultra-fast data ingestion and visualization webinar
05 May 2022 | Adrián Carrio & Justo Ruiz | Video

This webinar is intended for data scientists, data engineers, and businesses who are interested in optimizing their data ingestion and visualization workflow.

How to identify your customer churn and predict its probability
04 April 2022 | Adrián Carrio | PDF

With this use case, we present a toy example of the construction of a simple data analysis solution aimed towards behaviour analysis to optimize services and processes.

Build Data Apps in the Shapelets Platform
05 August 2022 | Justo Ruiz | Video

Build innovative data visualization apps in minutes using Shapelets agile platform. Simplify the process of creating data apps, empowering data professionals.

Ultra-fast data ingestion and visualization webinar

05 May 2022 | Adrián Carrio & Justo Ruiz | Video

This webinar is intended for data scientists, data engineers, and businesses who are interested in optimizing their data ingestion and visualization workflow.

How to identify your customer churn and predict its probability

04 April 2022 | Adrián Carrio | PDF

Shapelets is a powerful platform that makes data science and data analysis easy and collaborative. Instead of describing our data analytics and visualization processes to you, we’ll actually show you.

Build Data Apps in th Shapelets Platform

05 August 2022 | Justo Ruiz | Video

Create innovative data visualizations, machine learning algorithms and formative analytics in minutes with Shapelets’ .