Use Cases

Free use cases covering in-depth data processing and time series, and practical tips.

These use cases – Solutions Accelerators will help you gain skills, get started quickly, and master your work.

Last use case illustration

How to detect anomalies for predictive maintenance in industrial equipment

The sensitization of mechanical and industrial proceses is gradually increasing. This is mainly due to the availability and cost reduction of sensors, and widespread use of networks

Our use cases

Here you will find real-world examples of how our technology can help you work faster and more efficiently.

Our use cases demonstrate how our agile data science platform can help you deliver impactful insights and drive business success. Explore these use cases and test them yourself!

Use case energy

Energy price forecast

In this use case, we will explore how Shapelets accelerated platform can be used to improve price prediction.

Use case finance

Predict your churn

With this use case, we present a toy example of the construction of a simple data analysis solution aimed towards behaviour analysis using Shapelets.

Use case volcanology

Volcanic Eruption prediction

With this use case, we present a data app about the recent volcanic eruptions occurred in the island of La Palma (Spain).

Other resources

A few extra resources to level up your work!

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Github Use Cases

Have a look at our reporsitories in GitHub.
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Shapelets Ebooks & Webinars

On-demand ebooks and webinars featuring experts and Q&A.
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Shapelets Documentation

Have a look at our reporsitories in GitHub.

Start building large-scale
AI applications now

Use our vector database to index large sets of documents as they come in, and provide your text generation LLM with proper context.

Start building large-scale
AI applications now

Use our vector database to index large sets of documents as they come in, and provide your text generation LLM with proper context.

Shapelets UI Components

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