Powerful solutions for data professionals

Shapelets Data.Apps

Highly efficient vector database and indexing system

Limitless data access

The Ultimate Data Suite

Master enterprise data with precision: from swift acquisition and seamless processing to advanced visual analytics, all crafted to empower predictive and generative AI applications.

Data management representation
Data management

Efficiently streamlines data acquisition, storage, and analysis, thus helping reduce infrastructure requirements and costs.

Data management representation
Open and modular

Includes interfaces, formats, and data management libraries. This allows for the integration of multiple data sources and facilitates quick integration.

Data management representation
Real-time vector database

A key component in generative AI applications, designed to operate efficiently at scale and with real-time indexing capabilities.

Optimize your data management


Faster at loading, unloading and querying data.

Zoomable plots with +1 Million data points

Faster indexing vectorized data / embeddings.

Data management solutions

Shapelets offers a suite of products that accelerate the development of data projects.

Specifically, it improves the performance of data pipelines, minimizes infrastructure requirements, and optimizes speed and data consistency to achieve the best analytic results.

indexing & vector db
Indexing icon
Store icon
Search icon
data access
Loading icon
Query Icon
Export icon
data visualization
Load icon
Transform icon
Visualize icon
Idexing & vector DB
data Access
data visualization
Indexing icon
Store icon
Search icon
Loading icon
Query Icon
Export icon
Load icon
Transform icon
Visualize icon

Shapelets Core: The highest performance vector database

Code Shapelets Core representation

Designed for efficient storage, retrieval, and similarity search in high-dimensional vector data.

Vector databases are a key component in AI systems, especially generative AI and RAG applications. With minimal memory consumption indexing, we can immediately provide your applications with accurate context.


State-of-the-art parameterless indexing algorithms, based on quantification and bitmap indexing, render HNSW, FAISS, ScaNN, and Annoy obsolete.

Our proposal

A real-time scalar and vector indexing solution with a low memory footprint.

Indexing / Scability

Achieves indexing speeds of over 100,000 vectors per second with less than 1 GB of RAM.

Shapelets Data Apps: Agile data visualization

Shapelets UI representation

Reduce the time to production of data applications from weeks to minutes

Data professionals can create and publish interactive data applications directly from their Python environment to their corporate environment. Shapelets Data Apps manages version control, provisioning, security, and deployment transparently, thus saving thousands of dollars and accelerating the needs of data-driven organizations.

Python API

To develop professional visualizations.

Visualization integration

Supports Matplotlib, Altair, Seaborn, Folium, Plotly, among others.

Time series

Line charts to navigate fluently through a million data points.

Transparent Horizontal Scalability

Supports multiple concurrent users.

What clients say about us  


Aqnna Managing Partner

Silvia Sierra

Managing Partner

Our customers find great value in the accelerated analytics and TCO reduction achieved with the help of Shapelets Data Apps.By significantly reducing the complexity of deploying data visualizations, as well as data processing times, Shapelets enables our clients to gain critical insights faster, thereby driving better decision-making and improving overall business performance.

Aqnna Logo
CTO Básico

Eduardo Rodríguez 


Now we can say that we are managing our business in real-time. To control the operations of our rental management business, analyzing information in real time is critical. Previously, generating or updating the daily metrics report took us an average of 6 minutes. Since we began using Shapelets, this report generation now takes just 5 seconds. Consequently, we can now say that we are managing our business in real time.

Básico Logo
Founder Vanware

Fernando Rodríguez


Their suite of software tools offers a range of technical solutions that significantly reduce development time and infrastructure costs in data projects. As a consulting firm, we are always seeking innovative solutions that provide value to our clients, and Shapelets has proven to be one of them. By leveraging Shapelets, we’ve been able to deliver faster, more efficient results, which helps us stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry.

Vanware Logo

Technical Support


Documentacion Representation

Visit our documentation page to learn more about our solutions, with code examples and access to all details about our Python APIs.


Documentacion Representation

Our GitHub page provides access to benchmarks, code examples, and use cases. Go to the issue tracking section to report bugs and feel free to contact us for feature requests.


Documentacion Representation
Release notes

Learn about the latest features incorporated into our products.


Start building large-scale
AI applications now

Use our vector database to index large sets of documents as they come in, and provide your text generation LLM with the appropriate context.

Start building large-scale
AI applications now

Use our vector database to index large sets of documents as they come in, and provide your text generation LLM with proper context.

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