We build intelligents solution

Discover Shapelets Solutions by Industry or Use Case

Our platform provides industry-specific tools and applications, helping you leverage data analytics to create innovative solutions and make more informed decisions.

Discover Shapelets solutions by Industry

Discover best practices, insights and solutions based on industries.


Patient monitoring and analysis software can help you save lives by providing accurate data on patient health.


Passenger traffic flows and forecasting of air traffic to obtain accurate information.

Energy & utilities

Fraud detection and power demand forecasting for more efficient business.


Sensor analytics and demand forecasting help make precise decisions.

Smart mobility

Real-time data analytics and fault detection for innovative technologies.


Risk detection and customer churn prediction for improved customer experience.


Predictive maintenance and customer support to help reduce customer churn rates.

Industrial Iot

System optimization and predictive maintenance for improved operations.

Ecommerce & Media

Obtain insights into your consumer behaviour, engagement, predict trends, and optimize campaigns.


Patient monitoring and analysis software can help you save lives by providing accurate data on patient health.


Passenger traffic flows and forecasting of air traffic to obtain accurate information.


[Energy & Utilities]

Fraud detection and power demand forecasting for more efficient business.



Sensor analytics and demand forecasting help make precise decisions.


[Smart mobility]

Real-time data analytics and fault detection for innovative technologies.



Risk detection and customer churn prediction for improved customer experience.



Predictive maintenance and customer support to help reduce customer churn rates.


[Industrial Iot]

System optimization and predictive maintenance for improved operations.


[Ecommerce & Media]

Obtain insights into your consumer behaviour, engagement, predict trends, and optimize campaigns.


Discover Shapelets
by Use Cases

Build it yourself. Get ready-to-use Shapelets use cases for all your data analytics.

Industry 4.0

How to detect anomalies for predictive maintenance in industrial equipment

Passenger traffic flows and forecasting of air traffic to obtain accurate information.


Energy price forecast with Shapelets

In this use case, we will explore how Shapelets accelerated platform can be used to improve price prediction.


Predict your churn with Shapelets

With this use case, we present a toy example of the construction of a simple data analysis solution aimed towards behaviour analysis using Shapelets.

Volcanic Eruption

How to detect anomalies for predictive maintenance in industrial equipment

The sensitization of mechanical and industrial proceses is gradually increasing. This is mainly due to the availability and cost reduction of sensors, and widespread use of networks

Discover Shapelets by Role

Empowering Data Professionals with tailored solutions for every role, Shapelets offers customized tools and applications to meet the unique needs of your data team.

Data Scientist

Accelerate your data science projects with the Shapelets platform.

Easy to load, manipulate and analyze data, and build agile Data Apps in a couple of hours. Deploy them seamlessly. You can focus on delivering impactful insights.

Data Engineer

Streamline your work with our powerful platform. Easier, faster.

Simplify your data processing, management, and integration so you can focus on building reliable data pipelines. You can easily connect to various data sources and scale your infrastructure on demand.

Data Analyst

Transform your data into valuable insights. Intuitive and effective work.

Easy to load, manipulate and analyze data, and build agile Data Apps in a couple of hours. Deploy them seamlessly. You can focus on delivering impactful insights.


Streamline your work with our powerful platform. Easier, faster.

Simplify your data processing, management, and integration so you can focus on building reliable data pipelines. You can easily connect to various data sources and scale your infrastructure on demand.

Start building large-scale
AI applications now

Use our vector database to index large sets of documents as they come in, and provide your text generation LLM with proper context.

Shapelets UI Components

Start building large-scale
AI applications now

Use our vector database to index large sets of documents as they come in, and provide your text generation LLM with proper context.

Shapelets UI Components

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