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Allows users to create interactive maps using the Folium library.

Function signature

app.foliumchart(spec, title=None, on_change=None)


spec (Any)The JSON / HTML specification of the Folium map to be shown.
title (str)The title of the chart, shown above the Folium map.
on_change (FoliumChartOnChange)Event handler called when the map's data or state changes.


The basic example below shows how to create a Folium map widget.

from shapelets.apps import FoliumChart, dataApp
import folium

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Set the title of the app
app.title('Folium Chart')

# Create a Folium map based on Continents
folium_Chart = folium.Map(location=[1.6508, 10.2679], zoom_start=3)

json_folium = folium_Chart._repr_html_()

# Add the FoliumChart to the app without on_change handler
title="Folium Map Chart",
"width": "100%",
"height": "600px",
  • The first image displays the global map on our dataApp and you can scroll up and down to view more additional spatial information.
Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

  • The second image shows how pan and zoom effects can be explored using our widget in our dataApp.
Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024