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Allows users to create a layout with multiple tabs.

app.tabs(tab_key, disabled=False, icon=None, label=None, initial_tab=None, size=None, 
tab_position=None, type=None)


tab_key (str)The key of the tab, used to identify each tab.
disabled (bool)Disables the tab.
icon (IconType)Specifies an icon to be displayed in the tab header.
label (str)Text label displayed on the tab header.
initial_tab (Optional[str])The key of the tab that should be active initially.
size (TabsSize)Size of the tabs, which can be 'large', 'middle', or 'small'.
tab_position (TabsPosition)Position of the tabs to the tab content, such as 'top', 'right', 'bottom', or 'left'.
type (TabsType)Type of tabs.


The basic examples below shows how to create a Tabs layout widget.

Example 1 - Basic Tabs Layout

from shapelets.apps import IconCodes, TabParams, dataApp

# Set up the data app
app = dataApp()

# Create Tabs with simple text labels
tab1, tab2, tab3 = app.tabs(
{'tab_key': 'tab1', 'label': 'Tab 1'},
{'tab_key': 'tab2', 'label': 'Tab 2'},
{'tab_key': 'tab3', 'label': 'Tab 3'}

tab1.text("Hello, World!")
tab2.text("Welcome to Shapelets!")
tab3.text("Enjoy working with Shapelets!")
  • Below are the images of the Tabs layout widget, where you can access the content of each tab by clicking on the respective tab header.

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

Example 2 - Basic Tabs with Sliders + Rating

from shapelets.apps import IconCodes, TabParams, dataApp, serve

app = dataApp()

tab1, tab2 = app.tabs(2)
tab1.label = 'Tab 1'

tab2.label = 'Tab 2'
tab2.icon = IconCodes.SearchOutlined

tab1_spec: TabParams = {'tab_key': 'apple', 'icon': IconCodes.AppleFilled, 'label': 'Apple'}
tab2_spec: TabParams = {'tab_key': 'android', 'icon': IconCodes.AndroidFilled, 'label': 'Android'}

tab1, tab2 = app.tabs([tab1_spec, tab2_spec], initial_tab="android")
tab1.text("Pick Apple")
tab2.text("Pick Android")

if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
print(json.dumps(app._to_wire(), indent=4))
serve(app, deploy_ui=False, port=5001)

  • Below are the images of the Tabs layout widget, where you can access the content of each tab by clicking on the respective tab header.
Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024