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Allows users to input text or search queries.

Function signature

app.input(value='', addon_after=None, addon_before=None, allow_clear=False, disabled=False, max_length=None, 
placeholder='', prefix=None, show_count=False, status=None, size=None, suffix=None, variant=None,


  • Input Params
addon_after (Union[str, VisualComponent])Text or control displayed after (on the right side of) the input field.
addon_before (Union[str, VisualComponent])Text or control displayed before (on the left side of) the input field.
allow_clear (Union[bool, IconType])Allows the user to clear the input content with a clear icon.
disabled (bool)Disables the input, preventing user interaction.
max_length (int)Sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the input.
placeholder (str)The placeholder text shown inside the input when it is empty.
prefix (IconType)The prefix icon displayed inside the input field.
show_count (bool)Displays the character count below the input.
status (InputStatusType)Sets the validation status, such as error or warning.
size (InputSizeType)Defines the size of the input box (large, middle, small).
suffix (IconType)The suffix icon displayed inside the input field.
value (str)The current value of the input field.
variant (InputVariantType)Specifies the style variant of the input (outlined, borderless, filled).
on_change (InputOnChange)Callback function triggered when the input value changes.
  • InputTextArea Params
rows (int)Sets the initial number of rows to display in the text area.
  • InputSearch Params
enter_button (bool)Displays an enter button after the input, conflicting with the addon_after property.
loading (bool)Indicates a loading state for the search input.
on_search (InputOnSearch)Callback function triggered when a search is performed (e.g., pressing Enter or clicking the search icon).
  • Input Password Params
visibility_toggle (bool)Shows a toggle button to control the visibility of the password.


Example 1 - Basic Input

This first example below shows how to create input components.

from shapelets.apps import dataApp, IconCodes

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Basic Input example
basic_input = app.input(
placeholder="Type something here",
value="Hello World",
on_change=lambda src, value: print(f"Input changed to: {value}")

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

Example 2 - Input Text Area

This example shows how to create a multi-line text area.

from shapelets.apps import dataApp, serve

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Input Text Area Example
text_area = app.input_text_area(
placeholder="Enter your text here",
value="This is a multi-line text area",

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

from shapelets.apps import dataApp, serve

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Input Search Example
search_input = app.input_search(
on_search=lambda src, value: print(f"Search initiated for: {value}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024

Example 4 - Input Password

from shapelets.apps import dataApp, serve

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Input Password Example
password_input = app.input_password(
placeholder="Enter your password",
on_change=lambda src, value: print(f"Password changed to: {value}")
Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024