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Allows users to set a range of values by moving a thumb along a track.

app.slider(value=None, disabled=False, marks=None, max=100, min=0, step=None, range=False, vertical=False, 
on_change=None, on_change_complete= None)


value (Optional[SliderValueType])The default value of the slider
disabled (bool)If true, the slider will not be interactable
marks (SliderMarksType)Tick mark of the slider
max (int)Maximum value of the slider
min (int)Minimum value of the slider
step (Optional[int])Granularity the slider can step through values
range (bool)Dual thumb mode
vertical (bool)If true, the slider will be vertical
on_change (Callable[[float], None])Callback function that is fired when the value of the slider is being changed
on_change_complete (Callable[[float], None])Callback function that is fired when mouseup or keyup is pressed


The example below shows how to create a slider component.

from shapelets.apps import IconCodes, Slider, dataApp, icon, text
from typing import Tuple, Union

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Set the title of the app
app.title('Slider Example')

# create a slider
slider = app.slider(min=0, max=100, value=20, marks={25: '25C', 45: text('Very Hot', strong=True, role='danger'), 90: icon(IconCodes.AlertFilled)})

# Define an onChange event handler
def onChange(src: Slider, value: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]):

slider.on_change = onChange

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024