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Allows users a dropdown menu with various options for selection.

Function signature, auto_clear_search_value=False, auto_focus=False, default_active_first_option=False, 
disabled=False, filter_option=False, list_height=256 loading=False, max_count=None, max_tag_count=None,
max_tag_placeholder=None, max_tag_text_length=None, menu_item_selected_icon=None, mode='single',
not_found_content='Not Found', option_filter_prop='value', option_label_prop='label',
options=[], placeholder='Select', placement='bottom-start', remove_icon=None,
search_value='', show_search=False, size='middle', status=None,
suffix_icon=None, token_separators=[','], value=None,
variant='outlined', virtual=False,
on_change=None, on_select=None,
on_deselect=None, on_clear=None,


allow_clear (Union[bool, IconType])Selection to be clear, also with a custom clear icon.
auto_clear_search_value (bool)Clears the search input when an item is selected.
auto_focus (bool)Focuses the select input when the page loads.
default_active_first_option (bool)Activates the first option by default when the dropdown opens.
disabled (bool)Disables the select input, preventing user interaction.
filter_option (bool)Filters options based on the input when true.
list_height (int)Sets the height of the dropdown list.
loading (bool)Displays a loading state for the select input.
max_count (int)Limits the maximum number of items that can be selected.
max_tag_count (SelectMaxTagCountType)Limits the number of tags displayed in the selection, with an option to show more tags.
max_tag_placeholder (VisualComponent)Custom placeholder for hidden tags when the max tag count is exceeded.
max_tag_text_length (int)Limits the length of tag text shown in the select input.
menu_item_selected_icon (IconType)Custom icon displayed for selected menu items.
mode (SelectModeType)Determines whether multiple or tag selection modes are enabled.
not_found_content (Union[str, VisualComponent])Content displayed when no options match the search query.
option_filter_prop (str)Property used for filtering options when filterOption is true.
option_label_prop (str)Property used to render the label of each option.
options (Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[SelectOption]])List of options available for selection, either as strings or SelectOption objects.
placeholder (str)Placeholder text shown when no option is selected.
placement (SelectPlacementType)Position where the dropdown menu appears relative to the select input.
remove_icon (IconType)Custom icon for removing selected items.
search_value (str)Current search text input by the user.
show_search (bool)Enables searching within the dropdown options.
size (SelectSizeType)Size of the select input (e.g., large, middle, small).
status (SelectStatusType)Validation status of the select input, such as error or warning.
suffix_icon (IconType)Custom icon displayed at the end of the select input.
token_separators (List[str])Separators used to tokenize input for multi-selection.
value (Sequence[str])Currently selected values.
variant (SelectVariantType)Style variant of the select input (e.g., outlined, borderless, filled).
virtual (bool)Enables or disables virtual scrolling for the dropdown options.
on_change (SelectOnChange)Callback function triggered when the selected value changes.
on_select (SelectOnSelection)Callback function triggered when an item is selected in multiple or tag mode.
on_deselect (SelectOnDeselection)Callback function triggered when an item is deselected in multiple or tag mode.
on_clear (SelectOnClear)Callback function triggered when the selection is cleared.
on_search (SelectOnSearch)Callback function for handling searches within the select input.


The example below shows how to create a basic select dropdown.

from shapelets.apps import dataApp, SelectOption

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Set the title of the app
app.title(text='Select Widget')

# Display select component
SelectOption('first_option', 'First Option'),
SelectOption('second_option', 'Second Option'),
SelectOption('third_option', 'Third Option')
value=['First Option'],
cssStyles={'width': '200px'}

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024