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Input Number

Allows users to input numerical values.

Function signature

app.input_number(addon_after=None, addon_before=None,prefix=None, up_icon=None, down_icon=None, auto_focus=False, 
change_on_blur=False, change_on_wheel=False, show_controls=True, decimal_separator='.',
disabled=False, keyboard=True, max=None, min=None, placeholder='',
precision=None, read_only=False, status=None, size='middle',
step=1, value=0, variant='outlined', on_change=None)


addon_after (Union[str, VisualComponent])Text or control displayed after (on the right side of) the input field.
addon_before (Union[str, VisualComponent])Text or control displayed before (on the left side of) the input field.
prefix (IconType)The prefix icon for the input field.
up_icon (IconType)The icon for the button that increases the input value.
down_icon (IconType)The icon for the button that decreases the input value.
auto_focus (bool)Focuses the input when the component is mounted.
change_on_blur (bool)Triggers the onChange event when the input loses focus.
change_on_wheel (bool)Allows control of the value with the mouse wheel.
show_controls (bool)Displays the up and down buttons if True.
decimal_separator (str)Specifies the character used as the decimal separator.
disabled (bool)Disables the input, preventing user interaction.
keyboard (bool)Enables keyboard behavior for input value control.
max (float)Sets the maximum value allowed for the input.
min (float)Sets the minimum value allowed for the input.
placeholder (str)The placeholder text displayed in the input when it is empty.
precision (int)Specifies the number of decimal places to display.
read_only (bool)Makes the input field read-only, preventing value changes.
status (NumberInputStatusType)Sets the validation status (e.g., error or warning).
size (NumberInputSizeType)Defines the size of the input field (large, middle, small).
step (float)Sets the step value for incrementing or decrementing the input value.
value (float)The current value of the input field.
variant (NumberInputVariantType)Specifies the style variant of the input (outlined, borderless, filled).
on_change (NumberInputOnChange)Callback function triggered when the value of the input changes.


The example below shows how to create a basic input number widget.

from shapelets.apps import dataApp, IconCodes

# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()

# Set the title of the app
app.title("Input Number Widget")

num_input = app.input_number(
placeholder="Enter a number",
on_change=lambda src, value: print(f"Value changed to: {value}")

Shapelets Basic Input
Shapelets 2024