Input Number
Allows users to input numerical values.
Function signature
app.input_number(addon_after=None, addon_before=None,prefix=None, up_icon=None, down_icon=None, auto_focus=False,
change_on_blur=False, change_on_wheel=False, show_controls=True, decimal_separator='.',
disabled=False, keyboard=True, max=None, min=None, placeholder='',
precision=None, read_only=False, status=None, size='middle',
step=1, value=0, variant='outlined', on_change=None)
Parameter | Description |
addon_after (Union[str, VisualComponent]) | Text or control displayed after (on the right side of) the input field. |
addon_before (Union[str, VisualComponent]) | Text or control displayed before (on the left side of) the input field. |
prefix (IconType) | The prefix icon for the input field. |
up_icon (IconType) | The icon for the button that increases the input value. |
down_icon (IconType) | The icon for the button that decreases the input value. |
auto_focus (bool) | Focuses the input when the component is mounted. |
change_on_blur (bool) | Triggers the onChange event when the input loses focus. |
change_on_wheel (bool) | Allows control of the value with the mouse wheel. |
show_controls (bool) | Displays the up and down buttons if True. |
decimal_separator (str) | Specifies the character used as the decimal separator. |
disabled (bool) | Disables the input, preventing user interaction. |
keyboard (bool) | Enables keyboard behavior for input value control. |
max (float) | Sets the maximum value allowed for the input. |
min (float) | Sets the minimum value allowed for the input. |
placeholder (str) | The placeholder text displayed in the input when it is empty. |
precision (int) | Specifies the number of decimal places to display. |
read_only (bool) | Makes the input field read-only, preventing value changes. |
status (NumberInputStatusType) | Sets the validation status (e.g., error or warning). |
size (NumberInputSizeType) | Defines the size of the input field (large, middle, small). |
step (float) | Sets the step value for incrementing or decrementing the input value. |
value (float) | The current value of the input field. |
variant (NumberInputVariantType) | Specifies the style variant of the input (outlined, borderless, filled). |
on_change (NumberInputOnChange) | Callback function triggered when the value of the input changes. |
The example below shows how to create a basic input number widget.
from shapelets.apps import dataApp, IconCodes
# Set up Data App
app = dataApp()
# Set the title of the app
app.title("Input Number Widget")
num_input = app.input_number(
placeholder="Enter a number",
on_change=lambda src, value: print(f"Value changed to: {value}")