DataApps and Widgets#


DataApp(name[, description, version, tags])

Entry point for data app registration.




Creates a button.

checkbox([title, checked, toggle])

Creates a Checkbox.

datetime_range_selector([title, ...])

Creates a box that allows the user input as date range.

datetime_selector([title, date_time, ...])

Creates a box that allows the user input as date.

number_input([title, value, default_value, ...])

A basic widget for getting the user input as a number field.

radio_group([options, title, label_by, ...])

Creates a radio button group for displaying multiple choices and allows to select one value out of a set.

selector([options, title, placeholder, ...])

Creates a dropdown menu for displaying multiple choices.

slider([title, value, min_value, max_value, ...])

Creates a slider that lets a user pick a value from a set range by moving a knob.

text_input([title, value, placeholder, ...])

A basic widget for getting the user input as a text field.

timer([title, every, start_delay, times, ...])

Creates a Timer for your dataApp.


altair_chart([title, chart])

Creates an Vega-Altair chart: a declarative statistical visualization library for Python (

folium_chart([title, folium])

Creates a Folium map: a declarative statistical visualization library for Python (

gauge([title, value])

Creates a Gauge.

image([img, caption, placeholder])

Adds a placeholder for a Image on a DataApp.

line_chart([data, title, views, ...])

Creates a Line Chart figure.

metric([title, value, unit, delta, align])

Creates a Metric.

progress([value, title, type, size, status, ...])


ring([title, value, color])

Creates a Ring.

table([data, title, rows_per_page, ...])

Displays rows of data.

text([value, title, text_style, markdown])

Creates a Label.

timer([title, every, start_delay, times, ...])

Creates a Timer for your dataApp.


horizontal_layout([title, panel_id, ...])

Defines a layout where widgets are arranged side by side horizontally.


Defines a Tabs Layout, a layout that provides a horizontal layout to display tabs.

vertical_layout([title, panel_id, ...])

Creates a layout that holds widget inside it vertically (stacked on-top of one another).